Saturday, August 11, 2018


Sosyal! This is often tagged to people who dress up well and move with grace. We see them as those whose hair are straightened or applied with dye to the point that they look different: expensive. There are also those who package themselves as if they are products to be consumed and they need to cope with the latest trend in clothing and skin care. They are the ones who could make us take a second look. These could be their crutch, their source of confidence.

Only 4% of women around the world consider themselves beautiful, and anxiety about appearance begins at an early age. Six out of ten girls are so concerned with the way they look, that they actually opt out of participating fully in daily life – from going swimming and playing sports, to visiting the doctor, going to school or even just offering their opinions (

This is one of the many reasons why people use cosmetics, signature clothes and dowse themselves with cologne to have that security blanket around them. These chemicals and materials allow them to feel beautiful and confident.

Like a uniform, our possession of specific objects and brands can also signal our membership of social groups, both to others and to ourselves (Jarret, 2013). That is the reason why those who want to belong to the “higher” level of society tend to surround themselves with material things which would underscore their status.

There are people who are born with the silver spoon. Their genes dictate the way the move and their skin signals their innate breeding. According to Macdowall (2013), modern manners, codes of behavior, decorum and rules of etiquette matter in every culture and society – they illuminate and respect the human experience. Observing manners when out and about in society is, and should be ‘cool’, even in a casual setting. And these things are learned by these people from their family and throughout their growth.

So why do we have persons who package themselves as SOSYAL yet their manners are like stinking mud from the sewer? They sometimes annoy us since they criticize on the way we dress up and the way we opt NOT to wear makeup and loud clothes. They are the social climbers.

Based on Urban Dictionary, a social climber, which is also the synonym of an “attention whore,” is anyone who becomes friends with someone else if they have something that they want or need. Social climbers will value human relationships based on popularity and status as those two things are their primary needs.

They never see any depth and intimacy upon their friendship as they will only become friends with the people who “know people.” More often than not, social climbers feature characteristics including ambitious, competitive, and high-achiever as their one and only goal is to “get to the top.” These people will never feel satisfied if there is someone else who holds a “higher-status” than them (Noormega, 2018).

The article continued that lifestyle and identity crisis might also be the reasons for the emerging social climbers in our society. In this world, which is rapidly changing in terms of technology and social media, everyone wants to be recognized.

There is nothing wrong to aim for beauty and social recognition. Most of us work to attain some level of respect and recognition from the society we belong. That is the reason why we get hurt when we are neglected and rejected. Yet, we could be noticed by others when we bloom where we are planted. It is our own efforts and breadth when we could put our marks. No need to shout and be loud through our clothing and movements. No need to use others to be able to be recognized.

Self-control and the development of self-image is needed by each one of us. It is in these things when we become functional rather than the opposite. We have to rely on our own strengths not depending on crutches and delusions of grandeur.

Also, isn’t it annoying to see Channel on your shirt when in fact it’s Chanel?

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