Monday, August 20, 2018


Malabad. These individuals exist in our families and other social groups. We could not be ourselves since we have to be in tune with their moods for us not to be deprived of our peace. We have to test the waters first before wading into their territory. The difficult thing if these people are our bosses. Development and productivity could be hampered since we often measure our movements so to resonate with their quirks.

Schimelpfening (2018) says that mood swings are rapid and often extreme, fluctuations in one's emotional state, involving alternating between feelings of happiness and well-being and feelings of anger, irritability, or depression.

A mood swing is simply a noticeable change in one’s mood or emotional state. Everybody has mood swings and they are a natural part of most people’s lives. We get happy, we get sad. We have a period of feeling on top of the world, and then later in the same day, we feel tired, lethargic and beaten down. Small mood swings are a part of most people’s lives (Grobol, 2018).

Moods have psychological effects with people especially in productivity and creativity, Accounts have been recorded that emotions play a great part in the work place and even with person-to-person relationships. A lot of encounters ended with hurt and messed-up feelings due to moody innuendos. Some people’s mood swings are so extreme, rapid or serious, that they interfere with that individual’s functioning in everyday life.

Again, the grown up person must not fail to BE AWARE of his/her emotional state since the individual is the one handling the moods rather than the opposite. The power of self-awareness and control will take place here. We might be the cause of others’ discomfort through our outbursts we need to be responsible with our mental state. Negative moods create negative deeds which result to the creation of negative ripples.

As Dr. Grobol said, people who are experiencing a mood swing that’s been going on for more than a few weeks and is seriously affecting their friendships, relationship, school work, etc. should consider seeking professional help for the issue. A professional can help accurately diagnose the problem, and prescribe a course of treatment to reduce the mood swings.

Why do we have these moods? There are even instances when we wake up in the morning feeling irritated for no reason at all, thus the idiom – waking up on the wrong side of the bed! We also wonder what has become of our boss and companions when they put on that smug expression on their faces we cower and retreat to our comfort zones. Is it something “from their house”? We often wonder.

According to, among the possible causes of mood swings is an imbalance in the brain chemicals associated with mood regulation, as in the case of bipolar disorder, and the hormonal changes associated with the menstrual cycle or menopause. In addition, mood swings may occur in men who abuse steroids. Mood swings are also common with depression, especially untreated depression, where moods can fluctuate from irritability to extreme sadness to an angry outburst.

Lately, this writer is delving on psychological causes of the people who seem to dominate us or oppress the people around them. There must be an explanation on their behaviors in a scientific manner. And it came to the attention that most of these personalities have issues on their mental health. But then, the thing to come up to the mind is personal responsibility. Since most of these persons are adults and hold higher positions, they must be responsible for their own well-being!

But what if this is their blind spot?

This is the reason why we listen to feedback. There are people close to us who could detect our mood swings especially family members and friends. Listening to suggestions could also allow us to review ourselves and consider the implications of our actions and reactions with other individuals.

Yet the persons with bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder sometimes are narcissistic to the point that they do not listen to “mere” mortals like us. They think that they are always right.

So why fuss over their choice to become insane? But then it is always a waste to climb the ladder of success when in fact others see you as DERANGED. 

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