Friday, July 30, 2021

Personal Ethics



Pagpaigo nan imo!

You see me differently. You dislike the way I think, the way I talk and the manner that I work. But, why does it bother you? You can focus on your own manners and the way you think. Stop fidgeting on how I see the world. I respect your version of it. Do not be bothered with my convictions and my belief system. I am me.

There are things that you like that I don’t. But did you hear me complain about them? Feel free to do them. But do not tell me NOT to react when your deeds are already against my moral beliefs and they are beyond the line of adhering to the greater good. You are free to BE. And, I am me.

If I read and you listen to gossips, let me be. But I won’t let you harm people. I will cry foul when you use yourself to be a destroyer rather than a builder. My profession is teaching and I need to correct misconceptions based on the collective thoughts I acquired from being an academic. You might have a master’s degree on your craft, but I based my reactions on scientific theories and research. I will allow you to enjoy badmouthing people. Just don’t let me hear them. I can scold you. You are yourself and I am me.

Respect my religious convictions. What is wrong with saying the rosary? You claim to be a better believer, but what’s the gauge? Allow me to pay tribute to the sacramental and I can allow you to broadcast your God. Just do not criticize what I do. I understand what I’m doing. Do you? Let me be.

What is wrong with defending and befriending the marginalized people? You have your friends. Did I give a critique about their lifestyle and yours? Let me have mine. They might be imperfect and NOT rich but at least they understand the beauty of simplicity and humility. Spare me with the pretense and social-climbing. You are different from me.

Why am I not ambitious? I am. But my ambition might be different from yours. I am more into understanding myself avoiding the lures of the world and material stuff. You might measure success with money, fame and power. I see self-actualization as my direction. I will allow you to feed on your hunger. Let me be.

The world is better when we see the sunrise and sunset as the metaphors of our lives. Let me savor the life I borrowed from my creator the way I like it. Do not judge me, I am just doing the things which I like trying not to hurt others by doing my best to be of help.

Live your life. I will with mine.


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